Colorful Appaloosas are popular everywhere, but when the "color" is non-appaloosa white-- ie. big white stockings, big white faces, and white body spotting not related to appaloosa patterning, how much "chrome" is too much?
Various white producing genes besides those responsible for appaloosa patterning have been present in the Appaloosa genepool since the beginnings of the breed. Some of the earliest depictions of appaloosa-colored horses in north America feature horses with "extra" white.....
Various white producing genes besides those responsible for appaloosa patterning have been present in the Appaloosa genepool since the beginnings of the breed. Some of the earliest depictions of appaloosa-colored horses in north America feature horses with "extra" white.....
ApHC registration limits for non-appaloosa white have been more liberal than many people realize. Prior to 2000, there was no written limit in any of the Appaloosa rules that I can find (If you have a copy of any written limits for white markings on Appaloosas please contact me!) Below are photos of Appaloosas registered in the 1960s and 1970s, exhibiting full bald faces, socks well up over the knees and hocks, non-appaloosa body spotting, etc.--
In 2000, a written standard defining where non-appaloosa white markings could occur and exactly how many inches the white area could cover was added to the rulebook. A few years later an accompanying diagram was added. The rules and diagram below were scanned from the 2007 Appaloosa Handbook---
In 2009, the ApHC "white rule" was amended to read as follows: